Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 6 Journal Entry

Week 6 Journal

Q This assignment is designed to help you improve your written communication skills, reflect on your learning as well as past situations, and bridge the gap between the classroom and real-life knowledge. Your deliverable should answer the following questions: • Share your views on this week's activities, including reading resources, classroom discussions, and weekly assignment. • After completing this week's deliverables, what were the top three things/topics captured your interest? Why? • Was the course learning valuable and/or applicable? o If yes, how are you planning to use this material in the future? o If no, what changes would you recommend? Your submission must follow these guidelines: • This assignment is due by the end of this week (Sunday, 11:59 pm, Central Standard Time). • This assignment is worth 10 points. • This assignment should contain at least 200 words. • This assignment should be formatted in Microsoft Word (No APA formatting required). • This assignment must be your own creation. No external references!

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In this week’s activities, there were two discussions, an assignment, and a quiz. These activities are based on Chapter 6: Databases and Data Warehouses. As the brief of this subject says that Information is always powerful and can tell the organization everything on how is the current operation done and creating the strategy on how the operation will be taken further. The first is this week 6 discussion. In this discussion, we learned about the various reasons behind a business wanting to visualize its information based on the graphical method.